Becoming Catholic today means joining an ancient faith, deeply rooted in the teachings and traditions of Christ, that is filled with hope and vibrancy as we continue to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ to all the ends of the earth.
The Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (OCIA) is the process for adults who desire to join the Catholic faith and for those seeking more information on the Catholic Church. OCIA can also be a method for Catholics to complete their reception of the initiation sacraments. The manual used in the Order of Christian Initiation of Adults states that the rite is designed for adults “who after hearing the mystery of Christ proclaimed, consciously and freely seek the living God.” The manual also states when speaking about those in the process “By God’s help they will be strengthened spiritually during their preparation and at the proper time receive the sacraments fruitfully.”
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The Order of Christian Initiation of Adults
Formerly known as RCIA, the Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (OCIA) is a Journey of Faith for all adults who wish to become members of the Roman Catholic Church. It involves the formation of the total person into a believing, living, praying and serving member of the church community. Christian Initiation is a year-round process which may be entered into at any time.
The OCIA four-step process includes:
Evangelization/Inquiry: A chance for people to ask questions about Catholic beliefs.
Catechumenate: An opportunity for participants to learn about and mature in the Catholic Faith while being guided by a Catholic sponsor.
Enlightenment: A time for deep spiritual reflection during the Lenten Season. It culminates with the administration of the three Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist) at the Easter Vigil.
Mystagogia: An ongoing process for spiritual growth while entering fully into the community of Catholic believers. Neophytes are encouraged to continue their journey in the Catechumenate for at least one year.
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