37th Annual Culture of Life Conference, Oct. 18-19

Welcome laypeople, clergy, and religious to the State Culture of Life Conference. This year’s theme is based on Lk 1:38, “May it be done unto me according to your word.” We pray this conference will be a source of inspiration for us to emulate Mary’s example, allowing her Son to speak to our hearts, and serve as a transformative experience for families seeking guidance on essential topics amidst a world filled with conflicting messages. Join a host of dynamic speakers including Dr. Steven Christie, Jim Towey, Father Jorge Torres, Father Derek Saldanha, Ingrid Delgado and more as they cover the topics of abortion, the death penalty, aging with dignity and much more. The event will take place at the Basilica of the National Shrine of Mary, Queen of the Universe, 8300 Vineland Ave., Orlando. 

Register to attend

Culture of Life Committee

Join us in forming a Culture of Life Committee

  • The parish committee relies on the diocesan COL chairperson for information and guidance.
  • The committee should play a vital role in parish life to advertise events that promote the dignity of the human person.
  • The committee should seek opportunities to collaborate with other parish ministries or educational programs to advocate for the protection of all human life, from conception to natural death, in accordance with the teachings of the Catholic Church.

Click here to access the Parish Culture of Life Guide.

If you are interested in helping to form the St. Matthew Culture of Life Committee, please complete the form below.

Your Contact Information


The Florida Conference of Catholic Bishops (FCCB) continues to work diligently to oppose this dangerous and deceptive constitutional amendment placed on the November 2024 ballot. Amendment 4 would allow late-term abortions and would eliminate laws requiring parental consent and safety protocols for women. The FCCB urges all Floridians to vote 'no' on Amendment 4.

You can find more information, sign-up for emails, or make a donation at Vote No on 4 Florida. 'Like, follow and share' Vote No on 4 Florida on FacebookInstagram, and X to keep up with efforts to stop this extreme amendment. 

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