Most importantly, you will have time to sit with Jesus and talk with him. You can literally come to him with anything, no matter how awful it may be. (Or how wonderful!) This will also be a great place to pray for others you know who are in need, or invite them to attend. You have nothing to lose, no matter what your beliefs are, Jesus is willing to meet you where you are, to listen and help.
Please join us for our Holy Hour on the second Monday of every month at 7:00 PM in the Church. (Rosary at 6:30 PM) We are open to the entire community. ALL ARE WELCOME - Jesus is waiting for you!
Besides having some quiet time with Jesus, a Holy Hour at Saint Matthew includes comforting readings from scripture, inspirational music to lift your soul, and a personal witness, who will share stories of the power if the Eucharist in their life. Everyone is welcome, you don’t need to be Catholic, or even Christian. If you have questions, just visit our “Inquirer’s Corner” – a safe quiet space for you to talk with knowledgeable folks in a non-judgmental setting.
Come as you are! Are you happy or sad? Angry or thankful? Healthy or sick? Have you been lucky, or have you been hurt? Are you whole or broken? Do you have a purpose, or are you lost?
Whatever and wherever you are, Jesus wants you to come and share your life with him. He will be here. At our monthly Holy Hours, you will find Christ in scripture, song, meditation, personal stories of faith, and in the flesh as the Eucharist. He wants to meet you and know you, regardless of your situation. And he wants you to know he loves you.
Join us in November on the Feast of All Souls for a special Memorial Mass remembering those who have died from our parish this past year and/or have been inurned in our Columbarium.
We also invite you to write the names of your loved ones on a memorial list that will remain in the Sanctuary of our church by our Book of the Dead, throughout the month of November. We will keep them in prayer. You may pick up a form in the Narthex of our church or Click the "All Souls Memorial Form" link below.
"A Family of Believers Called by God the Father to make Disciples of Christ"
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