One of our main ministries here at St. Matthew is to fulfill the Spiritual and Corporal Works of Mercy of praying for and burying those who have died. Entrusted to our care are many who have died an are innurned in our Columbarium.
Whenever we have a Funeral Mass at St. Matthew we invite the immediate family to go into our chapel with the urn that contains their loved one, as an opportunity of prayerful gathering in preparation for the Mass of Christian Burial.
Because we are called to turn to the Saints for hope and as companions on our journey we have come to realize the great comfort and Blessing it would be to be surrounded by the images of the Saints along this journey and to give comfort for those who are experiencing the loss of their loved one.
Upon entering our chapel we will find ourselves surrounded by the images of the Saints. The wall with the glass block windows will be able to hold twenty-one icons of the Saints that will be 19" x 24"
We have already received donations for: St. Faustina, St. Maximilian Kolbe, St. Matthew, St. Nicholas & St. Rita at $400 per image. We are in need of 16 more Saints to complete this wall. Please choose one of the saints you would like to add to this wall from the list below.
(We have not yet decided the color of the chapel wall when it is repainted)
If the list of Saints does not appear below, CLICK the SAINTS ICONS button
957 Communion with the saints. "It is not merely by the title of example that we cherish the memory of those in heaven; we seek, rather, that by this devotion to the exercise of fraternal charity the union of the whole Church in the Spirit may be strengthened. Exactly as Christian communion among our fellow pilgrims brings us closer to Christ, so our communion with the saints joins us to Christ, from whom as from its fountain and head issues all grace, and the life of the People of God itself":
We worship Christ as God's Son; we love the martyrs as the Lord's disciples and imitators, and rightly so because of their matchless devotion towards their king and master. May we also be their companions and fellow disciples!
1160 Christian iconography expresses in images the same Gospel message that Scripture communicates by words. Image and word illuminate each other:
We declare that we preserve intact all the written and unwritten traditions of the Church which have been entrusted to us. One of these traditions consists in the production of representational artwork, which accords with the history of the preaching of the Gospel. For it confirms that the incarnation of the Word of God was real and not imaginary, and to our benefit as well, for realities that illustrate each other undoubtedly reflect each other's meaning.
1162 "The beauty of the images moves me to contemplation, as a meadow delights the eyes and subtly infuses the soul with the glory of God." Similarly, the contemplation of sacred icons, united with meditation on the Word of God and the singing of liturgical hymns, enters into the harmony of the signs of celebration so that the mystery celebrated is imprinted in the heart's memory and is then expressed in the new life of the faithful.
"A Family of Believers Called by God the Father to make Disciples of Christ"
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