“Do not be afraid, then, when love makes demands. Do not be afraid when love requires sacrifice.” - St. John Paul II
The liturgy is the public worship of the Church. It is celebrated, not by individuals or groups within the Church, but by the entire Body of Christ.
All of the faithful are called to fully participate in the liturgy. Most of us do this by
coming to the liturgy spiritually prepared, ready to join our minds and hearts, indeed our bodies, to all that we as a Church hear, say, and do in the liturgy. In this way, we cooperate with grace.
However, there is need of some of the faithful to take up special, integral roles in the liturgy, such as Altar servers, Sacristans, Lectors, Musicians and Eucharistic ministers of Holy Communion.
Altar Servers assist the priest and deacon at the altar during the celebration of Mass. The duties of the altar servers include processing into the church with cross and candles, at times holding the missal for the priest, setting the altar during the offertory and assisting the priest or deacon with whatever they need during the liturgy. Altar Servers are to maintain a reverent and attentive disposition during the Mass, even so as to allow the congregation to enter into deeper worship.
It is a privilege and sacred task to become an Extraordinary minister of the Holy Eucharist and a blessing to those who are chosen. The ordinary ministers of Holy Communion are the Priest and Deacon. Extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion may be appointed to facilitate the distribution of Holy Communion within Mass when there is a large number of communicants; and to allow for a more frequent, even daily, administration of Holy Communion outside of Mass to those impeded from attending Mass because of sickness or physical weakness whether at home or hospital.
Lectors proclaim the Word of God during the liturgy. On weekday Masses, Memorials, and Feasts a reading from either the Old or New Testament and a Psalm are proclaimed. On Sunday Masses, Solemnities, and certain Feast days an additional reading is read after the Psalm but before the Gospel. The Lector is also responsible to proclaim the Prayers of the Faithful, the prayers of the entire community offered to God, when a deacon is not present. Lectors must proclaim the Word of God clearly and with devotion. Proclaiming the Word of God is not a theatrical performance, but a sacred act in which the lector allows the Holy Spirit to speak through him or her to the assembled community. Lectors must have public speaking skills and have a profound love and reverence for Sacred Scripture.
The liturgical musicians help the people to respond through music and song during the Mass. They lead the assembly at key points in the liturgy such as the Entrance Procession, the Psalm, the Alleluia, the Eucharistic Prayer, and Communion. The liturgical musicians could be those who sing, play instruments, and join with others in a choir. Music is used to help people to participate in the Mass and lift their hearts to God.
Liturgical Hospitality Ministers assist with ensuring smooth and dignified movements in the liturgy. They welcome parishioners as they enter the church, help worshipers to find seating, find people to bring the gifts to the altar during the offertory, and give out the bulletins at the end of Mass. Hopsitality Ministers must have a clear understanding of what Christian hospitality means and be able to perform their duties with reverence and devotion.
The gift bearers bring up the gifts of bread and wine during the Preparation of the Gifts on our behalf. At the sanctuary the Priest receives the gifts and then places them on the altar.
In what Ministry is the Lord calling you to serve?
"A Family of Believers Called by God the Father to make Disciples of Christ"
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