"For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, a stranger and you welcomed me."
- Mt. 25:35
Saint Matthew Catholic Church is a family of believers called by God the Father to make disciples of Christ. To make disciples we must be disciples who not only feeds the body but also the soul. Matthew 25:35 was started through the initiatives of our Pastor, Fr. Nicholas O'Brien with the support of our Pastoral Team and many volunteers of the parish.
Called to feed the hungry, give drink to the thirsty and welcome the stranger this Ministry reaches out to the homeless and less fortunate with a "Blessing Bag," a small assortment of basic toiletries and snacks distributed at our St. Matthew Thrift Shop.
Saint Matthew Thrift Shop is another Ministry of Matthew 25:35 reaching out to the needs of our local community. We are located in the historical 1st Publix Supermarket in downtown Winter Haven. Not only are items that have been donated to raise funds for our parish ministries, but we work together with the downtown "Mission" providing clothing for those less fortunate.
Saint Matthew Gift Shop, also located in the historical 1st Publix Supermarket, serves as an opportunity of evangelization, sharing our Catholic Christian Faith.
The Advent Season invites the parishioners of Saint Matthew to go beyond self in providing a Christmas to families in our local community. Unwrapped gifts are brought to the church and prepared for distribution to Guadalupe Mission, St. Vincent de Paul, Farmworker Ministry, Catholic Charities, the Mission and Heartland for Children.
With the start of a new school year, many families are unable to purchase the necessary supplies for their children. Saint Matthew collects various school supplies: backpacks, tablets, pencils, crayons, etc. for distribution to needy families.
Saint Matthew parishioners are invited to give thanks by donating Thanksgiving bags of food, gift cards or a general donation so that our parish can help provide Thanksgiving for our brothers and sisters in the community. Food and gift cards are given to Catholic Charities, Farmworker Ministry and families in our own parish of Saint Matthew.
Through the American Red Cross, this is an opportunity to give blood for those in need. What a wonderful way for our parishioners to give back to the community! The “Big Red Bus” arrives at Saint Matthew Parish every other month on a Sunday from 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.. It only takes a few minutes to help save a life!
"A Family of Believers Called by God the Father to make Disciples of Christ"
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