Our Sanctuary

“They shall make a sanctuary for me, that I may dwell in their midst” (Ex 25:8)

The sanctuary is the area, often raised, in the front of the church where the altar, the ambo, the celebrant’s chair and, in many churches, the tabernacle are located. Separated from the nave, this is the place reminiscent of the Holy of the Holies, that is, the inner sanctuary of the temple described in the Old Testament. Interestingly, the altar and tabernacle were centuries apart in their introduction into the Church. (Our Sunday Visitor)

The Baptismal Font

Baptism is the door to all the Church’s sacraments. The baptistry or baptismal font is part of every Catholic Church and located so that the congregation can participate in the baptismal ceremony. (Our Sunday Visitor)

The Nave

The part of a Catholic Church where the laity prays and worships is called the nave. The word “nave” comes from the Latin “navis,” meaning ship. We, the people of God, are regarded as passengers on a ship destined for heaven. The nave is not a meeting place but a place of worship; the congregation is not an audience but participants in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. (Read more)

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