Eternal Rest

This four week study will be offered both on:
Tuesday’s at 7:00 pm & Wednesday’s at 10:00 a.m.

Beginning Tuesday, Feb. 28 & March 1

We all have very real questions about death. What happens when we die? What does Scripture teach about death? How do we prepare for the life to come?

This four-session series is a comprehensive exploration of the mystery of dying, death, and everlasting life. Each session approaches the subject from a Catholic perspective, leading participants from the origin of death to Jesus Christ’s final victory at the Cross and Resurrection.

Why talk about death and dying? The art of dying well is also the art of living well. By understanding who we are and what we are made for, we can order our lives according to God’s design for our true fulfillment. Preparing for our death allows us to live as prudent stewards of the time God gives us, and it grants us the ability to joyfully anticipate eternal life.

This four week study will begin this Lent on Tuesday’s at 7:00 pm & Wednesday’s at 10:00 a.m.

There is no charge to attend but there is a $10 charge if you would like the recommended Study Guide.

IMPORTANT NOTE: If you would like the Study Guide, you must select that you would like it at the time you register to assure we have enough copies for everyone who would like one. We cannot guarantee having any extras available once we begin.

The Study Guide provides you with:

  • Detailed introduction, prayers, and inspiration insights
  • Outlines and guidance through the video-based sessions
  • Questions for discussion
  • Reflections on additional topics related to the sessions
  • Recommendations for further reading and study
  • Session overviews

Weekly Study Topics

  1. The Story of Death (Feb. 28 & March 1)
  2. The Afterlife (March 7 & 8)
  3. The Hour of Our Death (March 14 & 15)
  4. The Faithful Departed (March 21 & 22)

Once registering, you are free to attend either the Tuesday or Wednesday session.

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