5/1/15 - Sulim, Leon F
5/3/15 - McCready, Frances
5/3/18 - Noor, Brenda
5/4/23 - Williams, Vincent Daniel Bautista
5/6/13 - Ramirez, Felicidad
5/6/24 - Fincken, Alice
5/7/24 - Kellen, Phyllis Adelle
5/9/11 - Buckner, Rosalie Sue
5/9/12 - Mooney, Edward
5/11/14 - Nguyen, Thieu Domenico
5/11/20 - Klopp, Betty J.
5/12/22 - Valete, Teofilo
5/13/02 - Cunningham, Frank J
5/13/19 - Payeur, Oscar Albert
5/14/09 - Sutton, Edmond A
5/14/22 - Wiles, Kathryn Stewart
5/15/19 - Sammon, Kevin
5/16/23 - Cosentino, Josianne
5/17/11 - LeDuc, Evelyn J
5/18/08 - Machado, Martha Facio
5/18/10 - Throop, Arthur Russell
5/19/08 - Dooner, Paula J
5/19/14 - Haberstroh, Willa
5/19/18 - Woitena, Hubert J.
5/21/95 - Pope, III, Richard
5/21/12 - McDonald, Margaret Mary
5/21/14 - Hoagland, Carl
5/21/23 - O'Connor, Dennis A.
5/22/06 - Lercara, Alouise
5/22/10 - D'Haem, Mary A
5/22/10 - Theriault, Jeannette
5/22/10 - Theriault, Richard
5/22/22 - Gibney, Joseph
5/23/11 - Peets, Donald W
5/23/21 - Vincent, Guy
5/23/22 - Koves, Kalman
5/23/22 - Lynch, Mary Saul
5/23/24 - Breeding, Lexter K.
5/25/04 - Nielsen-Palacios, Beatriz
5/25/16 - Parramore, Mary Ellen
5/26/22 - Opdenaker, Gerald Calvin
5/28/17 - Turner, Dolores
5/29/17 - Tushak, George
5/29/23 - Steele, John (Jack)
5/30/16 - Lins, Lois Marie
5/31/11 - Keelan, Cristina
5/31/22 - Beyer, Donald G.
"A Family of Believers Called by God the Father to make Disciples of Christ"
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